Reordering transactions in money manager ex
Reordering transactions in money manager ex

What used to be a customer friendly bank is turning into an institution that employs any trick it can to take more and more from its customers. When I requested help from PNC customer service I was basically told "too bad, so sad" and just pay up. This bank calculated the largest withdrawal first then added the smaller ones in order to maximize the number of overdraft fees it could charge me. I drove through snow on unplowed roads while Maryland was under a state of emergency declared by the governor to make a cash deposit to cover this pending withdraw. When I checked my online banking I noticed in the pending section that I was overdrawn on my checking account.


Suck it PNC ! I hope you go under ! Read full review of PNC Financial Services Group I've done my research, transaction stacking is common, however holding deposits until after all the debits are processed is not! I will be switching all of my accounts as well as my daughter to another bank. PNC seen the loop hole and jumped right through it ! Crooks ! I called customer service regarding the fees, they even admitted seeing the pending deposit and the fact they take higher debit transactions first regardless of their order. Expensive lesson and for the convenience of not traveling to take cash out from one bank and depositing to another. Keep in mind, my checking account already had more than enough to cover the debit card transactions but was a little shy to cover the check hence my husband's deposit. However, to obtain the most over draft fees, PNC stacked the transactions by taking the late coming check which was for a greater amount first then the smaller debit cards and lastly the deposit to cover the check. Normally this would not be an issue, however late Monday night a check was presented to my account and processed well before the other "pending" transactions and the deposit that clearly was listed on my account before the check made it's appearance. WRONG ! PNC held the deposit until midnight Tuesday morning. The check cleared his bank immediately but was held for processing by PNC and would be available the next business day. For example, my husband deposited a check from his bank to my PNC bank on a Saturday. I, unfortunately, have been dealing with PNC bank's fraudulent transaction stacking techniques which have caused several OD fees.

reordering transactions in money manager ex reordering transactions in money manager ex reordering transactions in money manager ex

My husband and I keep our checking/savings accounts separate and at our own individual banks.

Reordering transactions in money manager ex